The goal of the workshop is to expose teachers to content which can inspire, uncover the curriculum and make the classes engaging so that the teachers and children learn for the love of the subject. These days, the teachers and students are under so much pressure to cover the curriculum that most inspiring parts of the course are left behind. At this workshop at CCL, IITGN the teachers will make models, toys, perform activities and explore the science and math behind those. The goal is to bring back the gleam in their eyes and nurture inherent creativity in our children.
Prof Manish JainIt was an experiential learning for the teachers of Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS), as the Centre for Creative Learning (CCL) kick-started the first spell of bi-annual in-service workshops today with KVS teachers for the subjects of Math, Science and Computer Science. The 12-day workshop trained about 100 Trained Graduate Teachers (TGTs) of classes eighth to tenth for the subjects of Math and Science.
Another 12-day workshop for about 50 Post Graduate Teachers (PGTs) of classes 11th and 12th on the subject of Computer Science will be held during June 8-19.
CCL was established with an aim to provide a joyous learning environment, which can lead to conceptual understanding. It emphasises the importance of hands-on learning instead of mere chalk n’ talk approach of teaching. Based on the positive feedback from KVS teachers for workshops conducted by the institute last year, KVS wanted IITGN to conduct in-service workshops for their teachers to make Math and Science education engaging, effective and easier for students to understand. The second round of in-service workshops are slated to be held towards the end of the year, during December 23 to January 1, 2019.
Currently, IITGN and Indian Institute of Science (IISc) are the only two institutes which conduct in-service workshops for KVS teachers on various subjects.