Writer/Editor: Prof. Ashutosh Srivastava
Photo: Media and Communication, IIT Gandhinagar
Ever seen a toddler trying to take her first steps? While exploring the new surroundings, she falls, gets up, gets hurt, again gets up and finally starts walking. Through all this process, the parents’ role is to make sure that the toddler doesn’t get hurt too badly, provide her with a little support, and plenty of encouragement. I think there is no better way to find an analogy for a newly joined Assistant Professor than this. New beginnings are always a little chaotic, bumpy and full of anxiety. We are supposed to make mistakes, fall and then get up with a better perspective towards the job. An institution’s role in this transition is to provide that much-needed support and encouragement, and I am glad to say that IIT Gandhinagar has exactly given me that. Today I complete one month as an Assistant Professor here, and I could not have been happier and content with my decision of joining this place.
As we move ahead, here are a some of the experiences that I could recount:
I am sure many of you reading this will relate to me when I say that most, if not all, young PIs find the administrative work a little daunting, particularly in the Indian milieu. There are so many forms to understand, fill and sign that it might get overwhelming, especially if you do not have experience with these kinds of things. In such a scenario, what is needed is a well-organised and efficient team to walk you through all administrative tasks as you begin your academic career. I was pleased to find that IITGN has such a team which works brilliantly. Perhaps the most efficient division that I have encountered in my first month at IITGN is the administrative division handling faculty affairs. It might seem trivial, but just this aspect made my transition from a postdoctoral researcher – with virtually no administrative responsibilities to a faculty member – very smooth. I have prior experience with Indian academic institutions, and quite frankly IITGN is head and shoulders above in this regard.
Now, coming to the essential parts in the life of an academic – teaching, research and mentoring students. I am sure most of the faculty members would have gone through these thoughts while joining an institution. Questions such as; Whether or not I will be given the freedom to pursue the research I want to? If I will be supported financially (at least in the initial phases)? Will I be given enough support in terms of students by encouraging them to join my group? etc. might be bugging all. These are just some of the questions that one ponders during that crucial process of “deciding to join” an institution. In my opinion, before joining an institute, you only get specific hints and indications towards the answers to these questions because the expectations vary for each individual. In my case, I got positive signs, and thus I am here. One month into joining, I can say that I now have more precise answers to these questions, and the perspective remains positive.
Every academic institution is guided by some philosophy, and IITGN’s is “students first”. It is difficult to understand this notion if you are not a part of this institution. This idea has assimilated so deeply in IITGN that every aspect of the institution seems to be guided by it. As someone who loves teaching, I feel this is crucial. The priority of academic institutions has to be their students, and through that, there is a possibility to achieve excellence in every other aspect. There are some exciting innovations in the curriculum here that have impressed me a lot. Of course, some areas need to be improved, but there are well-established mechanisms to enable that, making me optimistic about the institute’s growth.
Besides, the Research & Development (R&D) team helps to identify funding opportunities, encouraging and constantly guiding to help you secure grants and getting you started with your work. One month is still a short time to understand and comment on all the aspects of establishing one’s research group, but I have a good feeling about it.
Non-academic aspects are roughly related to building the institution or contributing to its growth. One can only contribute to the institution if one is made to feel a part of it and responsible for it. IITGN is the first institution that I have come across that puts so much faith in a young faculty. However, I must say that it is both scary and exhilarating at the same time. In just one month, I have received the cooperation and support of my colleagues and non-academic staff members beyond expectation. I am optimistic that together we will make the most of it.
More on this and some other aspects of life at IITGN, perhaps in another piece. Till then, stay safe and healthy!

Ashutosh Srivastava
Assistant Professor, Biological Engineering
Prof Ashutosh Srivastava joined IITGN on December 29, 2020, as an Assistant Professor in the discipline of Biological Engineering. He received his Bachelor of Technology (Biotechnology) from Amity University and PhD from CSIR Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology, Hyderabad. His research interests include integrative modeling of macromolecular complexes, network analysis of protein structures, dynamics driven drug discovery, and modeling and conformational analysis of disordered regions.