There is no dearth of paths for the one who wants to move ahead. The next IITGN StudentScope story is coming to us all the way from Jhansi in Uttar Pradesh, where a young schoolboy decided to be an engineer like his father and pursued the journey towards that goal at IITGN. And not only this, that young boy, Anas Ali, also became an active member of the student council of 2021-22 and worked dedicatedly with the team to steer the student-run control room at the institute to ensure welfare of the community during the pandemic. He describes it as a humbling experience that enabled him to help people.

Anas was also part of various extra-curricular activities at the institute; his favourite memory is of Spring Carnations 2022, where his group set up a stall to sell snacks and refreshments. And hence, it is no surprise that Anas’ long-term dream is to start a restaurant of his own!

He also enjoys playing volleyball and online games. Reminiscing the last four years at IITGN, Anas says, “I had a wonderful journey at IITGN. For me and many others like me, IITGN was more about learning outside the classroom because each event/club taught me something. But apart from all the experiences and activities, I will definitely miss the daily 6 to 9 volleyball practice with the boys.”

  • Motto for life: “Don’t let go too soon and don’t hold on for too long” (A quote from the book ‘Tuesdays with Morrie’)
  • One thing that you would not exchange for anything: Kindness
  • Describe yourself in one word: Humble
  • Secret sauce for managing studies and extra-curricular activities: Having good friends who are there to help you out in any situation.
  • The most important skills you have learnt at IITGN: Teamwork
  • One skill that you would like to acquire/learn: I am learning to cook with the help of my mum.