Graph theory is a classical area of research that examines mathematical structures used to model pairwise relations between objects. Graphs turn out to be a very versatile tool for modeling various application scenarios, including but not limited to computational biology, computational neuroscience, communication network design, VLSI-design, traffic optimization, route planning, computer vision, network visualization, and so on. Both the structural and algorithmic aspects of graph theory are fundamental to these application scenarios.

The discipline of Computer Science and Engineering at IITGN, in partnership with ACM India and support from Defence Research Development Organisation, organized a three-week summer school on Graph Theory and Graph Algorithms during June 26 to July 15. The school had over 50 participants from all over the country. Organised by Prof Anirban Dasgupta and Prof Neeldhara Misra. the objective of this summer school is to provide a forum for learning and discussing several foundational aspects of structural graph theory, interleaved with perspectives from algorithmic graph theory.

Traditionally, there has been a strong interplay between these two broadly defined aspects of graph theory: structural results are often exploited to design efficient algorithms, and on the other hand, many structural insights are obtained by procedural proofs which have an algorithmic flavor. The lectures in this school are designed to provide exposure to both these aspects, and also emphasize engineering aspects by having lab sessions where participants implement several of the algorithms that they encounter, understand benchmarking techniques and explore real-world data sets.